Strawberry or spinach? We showed the country 1000 ways to eat Nutrific!
In September 2016 and together with our client Nutrific, we launched ‘1 tasty cereal biscuit/1000 ways to eat it; a campaign showcasing the myriad ways the 100% wholegrain breakfast biscuits can be enjoyed.
A complete through-the-line exercise, ‘1000 ways to eat it’ included radio commercials, in-store activations, taxi branding, social media and a digital execution, the ‘hero’ being the microsite.
We created 1000 different ways one can eat Nutrific – with accompaniments ranging from milk to mascarpone – then tested, styled and photographed each variation in our studio kitchen. The final recipes and images were added to the microsite – you can check them out here:
And our staff ate very well those few weeks! 😉
We also hosted a PR launch event, where we challenged celebs such as Poppy Ntshongwana, Liezel van der Westhuizen, Kamini Pather and Aisha Baker to come up with their own unique way of eating Nutrific – and the results were pretty impressive!
We were thrilled that our awesome client trusted us to execute this bold, multi-touchpoint campaign, and we could cross the finish line together.